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Vol. 16
October/December 2014
Num. 64
Consensus document
Spanish Interdisciplinary Committee for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the Spanish Society of Cardiology Position Statement on Dyslipidemia Management. Differences Between the European and American Guidelines.
José María Lobos Bejarano
Enrique Galve
Miguel Ángel Royo Bordonada
Eduardo Alegría Ezquerra
Pedro Armario
Carlos Brotons
Miguel Camafort
Alberto Cordero Fort
Antonio Maiques Galán
Teresa Mantilla Morató
Antonio Pérez Pérez
Juan Pedro Botet
(CEIPC) en nombre del Comité Español Interdisciplinario para la Prevención Cardiovascular
Original Papers
Usefulness of the white blood cell count in the differential diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.
María Fernanda García Díaz
N. Iglesias Fernández
R. E. Menéndez Ordás
R. Pardo de la Vega
V. García González
MC Sánchez Fontecha
Prevalence and type of electroencephalographic alterations in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Raquel Almendral Doncel
F Peinado Postigo
Influence of sex and school type on overweight and obesity rates.
Daniel Arriscado Alsina
José Joaquín Muros Molina
Mikel Zabala Díaz
José M.ª Dalmau Torres
Use of the new technologies and Telemedicine, in the healthy newborn follow up.
Carmen M.ª Cervantes Guijarro
M Sánchez Luna
Pilar Bazán Fernández
Implementation of an email consultation system to provide solutions, not to create problems.
Paula Garvi Soler
Carmen Villanueva Rodríguez
Esther Andrés Martínez
Clinical Reviews
Fingertip pulse oximeters: a new tool for self-care in asthma?
Miguel Ángel Zafra Anta
Juan Medino Muñoz
L Navas Martín
P Hernando López de la Manzanara
Importance of routine screening of snoring as a symptom of child Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome in the periodic health visits.
Carmen Madrigal Díez
M.ª Reyes Mazas Raba
Photosensitivity by
Ruta graveolens
José Luis Unzueta-Roch
Isabel Pizarro Pizarro
M.ª Isabel Astiz Blanco
M.ª Julia Hernández Delgado
Ultrasound (nº1): infected urachal cyst, a rare cause of abdominal pain in pediatrics.
Jorge Olivares Ortiz
María Lorenzo Ruiz
Cristina Notario Muñoz
Gonzalo Botija Arcos
A patient with Juvenile idiophatic arthritis.
Carlos Vega Aponte
Jannina Rodríguez Chacón
José Martínez Donate
Juan Ríos Laorden
Lameness in a 20 months girl,is it always a synovitis of the hip?
Pilar Traver Cabrera
Sheila Miralbés Terraza
A Alquézar González
José Galbe Sánchez-Ventura
Lipschütz ulcer: gangrenous form.
Raquel Plácido Paias
Manuel Portillo Márquez
E del Castillo Navio
MJ González Carracedo
V Vaquerizo Vaquerizo
Intracranial cystic tumors. A case report.
Raquel Plácido Paias
R Real Terrón
J Giménez Pando
Carmen María González Álvarez
MJ González Carracedo
V Vaquerizo Vaquerizo
Childhood and Adolescence PrevInfad/PAPPS Group
Visual screening (part 1).
Jaime García Aguado
M.ª Jesús Esparza Olcina
José Galbe Sánchez-Ventura
Ana Martínez Rubio
José M.ª Mengual Gil
Manuel Merino Moína
Carmen Rosa Pallás Alonso
Francisco Javier Sánchez Ruiz-Cabello
Julia Colomer Revuelta
Olga Cortés Rico
Javier Soriano Faura
Grupo PrevInfad/PAPPS Infancia y Adolescencia
Evidence based Pediatrics
SWOT analysis of evidence-based medicine and new urban tribes.
Javier González de Dios
Eduardo Ortega Páez
Manuel Molina Arias
Special Articles
Clinical ultrasound: a diagnostic test or a part of the routine exam?
Francisco José Sánchez Ferrer
Rafael González de Caldas Marchal
Stephan Schneider
Critical appraisal in small doses
The problem of multiple comparisons.
Manuel Molina Arias
Research projects
Tackling child overweight in Primary Care: the role of motivational interviewing.
Pedro J. Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategi
Leire Leizaola Olarreaga
Carmen Solorzano Sánchez
Gurutze García Conde
Beatriz Aguirre Sorondo
Asunción Totoricaguena Imaz
M.ª José Caballero Barrigón
Hernan Cancio López
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Child maltreatment...
Aetiology and...
Helsinki declaration:...
Keriorrhoea, an...
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Active Training Plan Primary Care Pediatrics
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Video 25 años Revista Pediatría de Atención Primaria
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Child maltreatment...
Child maltreatment due to neglect (beyond the...
Child maltreatment due to...
Child maltreatment due to neglect...
Aetiology and...
Aetiology and antibiotic resistance in...
Aetiology and antibiotic...
Aetiology and antibiotic resistance...
Helsinki declaration:...
Helsinki declaration: ethical principles of...
Helsinki declaration: ethical...
Helsinki declaration: ethical...
Keriorrhoea, an...
Keriorrhoea, an uncommon condition
Keriorrhoea, an uncommon...
Keriorrhoea, an uncommon condition
AEPAP - Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics
Active Training Plan Primary Care Pediatrics
Evidence in Pediatrics
Child Program Health
Famiped. Families Pediatrics and Adolescent Network
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