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Vol. 16 - Num. 64

Clinical Reviews

Intracranial cystic tumors. A case report

Raquel Plácido Paiasa, R Real Terrónb, J Giménez Pandoc, Carmen María González Álvareza, MJ González Carracedoa, V Vaquerizo Vaquerizoa

aMIR-Pediatría. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Mérida. Mérida. Badajoz. España.
bServicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Mérida. Badajoz. España.
cServicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital Materno Infantil de Badajoz. Badajoz. España.

Correspondence: R Plácido. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Plácido Paias R, Real Terrón R, Giménez Pando J, González Álvarez CM, González Carracedo MJ, Vaquerizo Vaquerizo V. Intracranial cystic tumors. A case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2014;16:e155-e160.

Published in Internet: 24-11-2014 - Visits: 55024


Arachnoid cysts are benign, congenital malformations formed by an arachnoid membrane containing cerebrospinal fluid inside.

We report the case of a 5 year old child with cranial asymmetry with right fronto-parieto-temporal bulging. Occasional vomiting a year of evolution and sometimes headache are refered, which did not wake him at night, accompanied by sonophobia and photophobia for two years. The imaging displays large arachnoid cyst in right middle cranial fossa with midline shift and collapse of adjacent ventricular horns.

Because of the size of the cyst and the clinic, endoscopic treatment was selected, communicating arachnoid cyst and basal cisterns.


Arachnoid cyst



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