Vol. 16 - Num. 64
Evidence based Pediatrics
Javier González de Diosa, Eduardo Ortega Páezb, Manuel Molina Ariasc
aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. Departamento de Pediatría. Universidad Miguel Hernández. ISABIAL-Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante. Alicante. España.
bPediatra. CS Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
cServicio de Gastroenterología. Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: J González. E-mail: javier.gonzalezdedios@gmail.com
Reference of this article: González de Dios J, Ortega Páez E, Molina Arias M. SWOT analysis of evidence-based medicine and new urban tribes. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2014;16:347-59.
Published in Internet: 05-12-2014 - Visits: 17565
A body of criticism and counterarguments against evidence-based medicine (EBM) has been forming, both about theoretical aspects and practical application. Given this scenario, from the Working Group of Evidence-Based Pediatrics’ point of view, it seems it is a good moment to think about what is and is not the EBM, and a SWOT methodology is a useful tool for organizing the internal (weaknesses and strengths) and external analysis (opportunities and threats) of this not so new paradigm.
Because EMB is good if used correctly, and it is not if it’s misused and/or an overuse is made; it is positive when used with reasoning and it is not if used uncritically. Regarding MBE, if we only think about its strengths and opportunities and don’t balance them with its weaknesses and threats, we run the risk that new urban tribes appear around it. There are four potential new urban tribes that we have defined as a way of warning about something that is an unwanted reality: Cochranites, Meta-anophiles, Casperers and Uptodaterers. Interestingly, the likelihood of these tribes to arise is inversely related to the respectful use of EBM, so constructive criticism is focused on those who do not respect the thoroughness of the systematic of working of this scientific paradigm.
EBM has its lights and shadows, and it is the duty of those who believe in it to favor the (many) lights and criticize the (few but harmful) shadows. And the aim of this article is to make EBM a better place and with a clear goal: to be better health-providers to provide better health care to our patients.
● Controversy ● Evidence-based medicine ● Opportunities ● Strengths ● Threats ● Weaknesses
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