Current issue


Articles by M.ª Cristina García de Ribera

  • García de Ribera MC, Fierro Urturi A, Tríguez García M, Alfaro González M, Santamaría Marcos E, Muñoz Moreno MF. . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;(32):e281.
  • Cyanoacrylate glue burn
    García de Ribera MC, Gallego Peláez MC, García Lamata O, Zambrano Vera MM, Correa Hernández FJ. Cyanoacrylate glue burn. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;18:359-61.
  • Pilot study of a telephone paediatric consultation
    García de Ribera MC, Vázquez Fernández ME, Bachiller Luque MR, Barrio Alonso MP, Muñoz Moreno MF, Posadas Alonso J, et al. Pilot study of a telephone paediatric consultation. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:413-24.