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Vol. 7 - Num. 28

Evidence based Pediatrics

Evidences in Paediatrics: a new secondary publication looking for a Paediatric clinical practice based on the best scientific evidence

José Cristóbal Buñuel Álvareza, Javier González de Diosb, P González Rodríguezc, Equipo editorial de `Evidencias en Pediatría`

aPediatra. Área Básica de Salud Gerona-4. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. Gerona. España.
bServicio de Pediatría. Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. Departamento de Pediatría. Universidad Miguel Hernández. ISABIAL-Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante. Alicante. España.
cPediatra. CS Algete. Algete. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: JC Buñuel. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Buñuel Álvarez JC, González de Dios J, González Rodríguez P, Equipo editorial de `Evidencias en Pediatría`. Evidences in Paediatrics: a new secondary publication looking for a Paediatric clinical practice based on the best scientific evidence. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2005;7:619-639.

Published in Internet: 31-12-2005 - Visits: 15225


Medicine has been defined as the science of the uncertainty and the art of the probability. This uncertainty is known as variability in clinical practice (in the decision making process among doctors in front of the same situation and of a doctor in front of different patients suffering from the same disease). One of the sources of variability is due to the quality of the scientific evidence underlying the decision making process. Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) contributes with a new framework of concepts, trying to bring nearer scientific investigation data to everyday medical practice, making smaller its variability. EBM is a structured working method that allows us to solve doubts derived from the usual clinical practice, through the formulation of clinical queries, the systematic search of the best evidence in bibliography, the critical evaluation of retrieved papers and the usability of its results to daily practice, integrating them with the individual experience and the patient?s values. All of it has given place to the appearance of secondary publications (SP), a new kind of journals that elaborate structured abstracts of scientifically important papers (the best evidences) adding clinical comments (clinical mastery) using a double filter (methodological and clinic). The journal Evidences in Paediatrics (Clinical decision making based on the best scientific evidence) is a new electronic SP born to occupy an empty space still not covert in the context of the paediatric scientific publications in Spanish: the one of the paediatric SPs on line.


Evidence-based medicine Pediatrics Research

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