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Vol. 8 - Num. 6

Seminar 1

Guidelines on the healthcare for the inmigrant child and children of inmigrant parents

Rosa María Masvidal Alibercha, I Sau Giralt

aPediatra. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.

Reference of this article: Masvidal Aliberch RM, Sau Giralt I. Guidelines on the healthcare for the inmigrant child and children of inmigrant parents. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2006; 8 Supl 2:S19-39.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2006 - Visits: 9810


In recent years, a considerable amount of Primary Care (PC) visits are devoted to children coming from low income countries. We present some guidelines elaborated with the objective of improving the healthcare for immigrant children. They include risk factors? detection, treatment of medical conditions and follow up. Besides, being a part of PC paediatrician?s task, we underline the need of helping the integration of the immigrant children. It is compulsory to know the origin, culture, food habits and socio-economic situation of these children in order to implement individualized and correct care, to detect present and future diseases and to start more efficient preventive ant therapeutic activities. We emphasize prevention of female genital mutilation among them.


Female genital mutilation Immigrant children Immigration Low income countries Pediatrics Primary care

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