Vol. 24 - Num. 95
Clinical Reviews
Pilar Ferrer Santosa, Manuel Lavilla Jiménezb, Lorena Abellanas Jarnec
aPediatra. CS Jaca. Huesca. España.
bMédico de Familia. CS Sabiñánigo. Huesca . España.
cEnfermera. CS Sabiñánigo. Huesca. España.
Correspondence: P Ferrer . E-mail: pilarferrersantos@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Ferrer Santos P, Lavilla Jiménez M, Abellanas Jarne L. Herpetic whitlow in a 20-month-old child . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:295-9.
Published in Internet: 07-09-2022 - Visits: 15306
Herpetic whitlow is a skin lesion caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), usually type 1 in the paediatric population. Providers must be aware of this lesion to avoid making an incorrect diagnosis and initiating unnecessary or even harmful treatments.
The usual presentation is a lesion with clustered vesicles, typically located on the first or second toe. In paediatric patients, it is often the result of autoinoculation from HSV gingivostomatitis lesions, so when this lesion is suspected, it is important to carry out a complete physical examination including the oropharynx.
The course is self-limiting, although on occasion treatment with oral acyclovir becomes necessary. Drainage of the lesion is contraindicated because it could lead to dissemination of HSV with severe consequences.
● Diagnosis and treatment ● Herpetic whitlow ● PediatricsComments
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