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Vol. 2 - Num. 8

Original Papers

Pondostatural evolution in patients with Celiac Disease

E Kirchschläger, T Camps Rubiol, F Valverde Gómez, MA Hernández Lorca, MB Roldán Martín, José Miguel Ramos Fernándezb, E Mendienta Sanz

bUGC de Pediatría. Hospital Materno-Infantil de Málaga. Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga. Málaga. España.

Reference of this article: Kirchschläger E, Camps Rubiol T, Valverde Gómez F, Hernández Lorca MA, Roldán Martín MB, Ramos Fernández JM, et al. Pondostatural evolution in patients with Celiac Disease. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2000;2:559-571.

Published in Internet: 31-12-2000 - Visits: 9452


Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten , in which genetic, environmental and immunologic factors are implicated. Still there are doubts about the exact pathogenesis. A variable failure to thrive is a dominant feature. Removal of gluten from the diet leads to clinical remission and catch-up of weight and height. In this study we realize a follow-up of growth y weight patterns of 14 celiac patients, from birth up to 12 months after instauration of gluten free diet (GFD). We observe a low weight and normal size at birth; the introduction of gluten produces a mean decrease of 0.11 scores of standard desviation (SDS) of weight and a loss of 0.23 SDS of height. Weight catch-up was already significant after 3 months of GFD, while the percentiles of height did not initiate revovery until 3 months after the elimination of gluten. After a year of GFD mean weight gain is 1.16 SDS and the mean height gain is 0.60 SDS. We related the catch-up with the age at diagnosis and evaluated the weight/height ratio and the major growth velocity.


catch-up growth Celiac disease Diet, gluten-free

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