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Vol. 10 - Num. 39

Original Papers

Knowledge on sexual health of the adolescents in three Valencia’ secondary education institutes

M.ª Dolores Guerrero Masiáa, M Guerrero Masiáb, E García-Jiménezc, A Moreno Lópezd

aFarmacéuticos Comunitarios. Valencia. Suficiencia Investigadora en Farmacología (DEA). España.
bFarmacéuticos Comunitarios. Valencia. España.
cDoctor en Farmacia. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica. Universidad de Granada. España.
dUniversidad de Granada. España.

Correspondence: MD Guerrero. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Guerrero Masiá MD, Guerrero Masiá M, García-Jiménez E, Moreno López A. Knowledge on sexual health of the adolescents in three Valencia’ secondary education institutes. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10:433-42.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2008 - Visits: 10461


Introduction: a healthy sex education promotes both the individual health and the construction of an integral behaviour model which contributes to personal balance, communicative skills, pleasure and a good development of affectivity. The problem of teenagers? sexuality is not that they are active sexually, but that they have neither a preparation nor an orientation in order to responsible sex behaviour. The study?s aim was to describe the information that Valencia? secondary obligatory education adolescents have with regard to: contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), abortion and teenager?s self-opinion.

Material and methods: descriptive, transversal and observational study.

Population: fifteen to eighteen-year-old adolescent students of three secondary education institutes. The information was obtained by an ad hoc anonymous survey.

Results: the surveys of 67 adolescents (43.3% boys and 56.7% girls) are studied. The study shows a lack (30%) with regard to contraceptive methods. Eighty eight percent of the population agrees on abortion. There is a low consciousness with regard to seriousness and importance of STD. Couple relations are described as absorbent (25%). Moreover, adolescents? opinion of the opposite sex is not too bad or negative by almost 50% of adolescents.

Conclusion: an integral sex education is needed both from educational systems and family, in order to a suitable adolescent sexual health.


Adolescents Sexual education Sexual health

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