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Vol. 9 - Num. 10

3rd Annual Meeting of the

Workshop for teaching paediatricians. Teaching to learn

M.ª Dolores Gutiérrez Siglera, Miguel Ángel Fernández-Cuesta Valcarceb

aPediatra. CS Nou Molés. Valencia. España.
bPediatra. Grupo de Docencia de la AEPap. CS Juan de la Cierva. Getafe. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Gutiérrez Sigler MD, Fernández-Cuesta Valcarce MÁ. Workshop for teaching paediatricians. Teaching to learn. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2007;9 Supl 2:S91-100.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2007 - Visits: 8571


The approach of the tutoring as a mere transmission of knowledge is inadequate. The resident is an adult able to learn by him/herself and the most important work of the tutor will consist of stimulating him, guiding him and fomenting his capacity of self-learning, equipping him with tools to assess his learning needs and with resources that allow him to acquire the necessary competencies and knowledge to reach the established objectives. Actually, it consists of teaching him to learn the base of a continued formation that will have to maintain throughout all his professional activity. In addition, the tutor would have to be a professional model and a moral support for the resident. For all, it would be advisable a certain formation in educational methodology and techniques of ?feedback?, as well as the knowledge of learning needs assessment tools, equally applicable to the daily practice of the tutor. The learning methods are diverse and include the self-learning, practice learning, problem based learning, lessons, seminaries, group works, etc. Important aspects at practical level are: to decide and to plan for the rotation contents that, respecting basic knowledge, adapt to the necessities of each resident; to maintain with him constructive and empathic communication and ?feedback?; to drive him from the first moment in the basic aspects of the daily work; to provide him a progressive assumption of responsibilities and to look for time for teaching.


Learning Medical education Needs assessment

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