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Vol. 5 - Num. 18

Original Papers

Survey to the parents on Children Health Programme

MR Martínez Fernández, Margarita Sánchez Calderónb, B Hindi y El Kassis, C Palomino Bueno, MJ Grifo Peñuelas

bPediatra. Consultorio Velilla de San Antonio. CS Mejorada del Campo. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Martínez Fernández MR, Sánchez Calderón M, Hindi y El Kassis B, Palomino Bueno C, Grifo Peñuelas MJ. Survey to the parents on Children Health Programme. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:205-214.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2003 - Visits: 8492


Odjetives: Study the parents information about the aims, usefulness and need of the routine children health examinations (?healthy child program?). Design: Descriptive, transversal study based on a questionary of internal design and evaluation. Methods and participants: 100 questionaries filled by the 0-14 years old children parents when they came to the routine examination. Main results: Most (91%) part of the children were acompanied only by their mothers. 33% answered not to know the final objective of these examinations. 69% believed they are convenient for the early detection of some problems. 95% thought they are important for all the children at all ages. The number of controls seemed correct to 87% and 96% thought the paediatrician could find problems they were unaware of its existence. 99% declared to feel more relieved after the examination. 40% would visit more frecuently and 45% with the same frecuency the doctor if this program didn?t exist. Conclusions: Parents high satisfaction with the program. They give it main credit for the early detection of health problems.


Child program Health examination Health promotion Prevention

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