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Vol. 4 - Num. 15

Original Papers

Clinical and medicolegal evaluation of abuse in children

Mariano Casado Blancoa, P Hurtado Sendinb

aFacultad de Medicina. Universidad de Extremadura. Badajoz. España.
bHospital Universitario Materno-Infantil de Badajoz. España.

Correspondence: M Casado. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Casado Blanco M, Hurtado Sendin P. Clinical and medicolegal evaluation of abuse in children. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2002;4:405-414.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2002 - Visits: 8903


32 cases of physical abuse are presented picked up among all cases reported during 12 months, in the Area of Health and in the Court of the city of Badajoz. The results were protocolized and analysed in the following way: 1) associated to the victims themselves, 2) related to the ancestors, 3) factors associated to the family structure, 4) mechanisms or methods used in the realization of the aggressions, and type of the more frequent lesions. The results show that the mistreated child?s profile is variable and in him/her converge interrelated factors, but in a generic way we can affirm that they are children and adolescents, with age 6 to 14 years, and with certain delay of school level, regarding their age. In reference to the family structure, in general, they are families constituted by young parents, 24-28 years, generally present a low education level, with unemployment or scarce activity, and in certain cases related with delinquency and tendency to dependency and/or abuses of alcohol and drugs. With all this we make a call of attention to different collectives related with the children, to be able to detect, to distinguish and to denounce the cases.


Abuses Childhood Legal medicine Pediatrics

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