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Vol. 15 - Num. 59

Clinical Reviews

"Pokemonitis": the dangers of black henna tattoos

Esther Maiso Merinoa, J Bravo Acuñab, Manuel Merino Moínab

aPediatra. CS Siete Infantes de Lara. Logroño. La Rioja. España.
bPediatra. CS El Greco. Getafe. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: E Maiso. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Maiso Merino E, Bravo Acuña J, Merino Moína M. "Pokemonitis": the dangers of black henna tattoos. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2013;15:251-3.

Published in Internet: 27-08-2013 - Visits: 25238


The so-called temporary tattoos made with black henna are increasingly common during the summer months, especially in children and youth. Henna is a natural dye that is used mixed with other substances, such as phenylenediamine, which may have sensitizing capacity. We describe the case of a four year old boy who presented residual hypopigmented lesions on both forearms a month after the completion of these tattoos. We want to bring these curious images to draw attention to the dangers of black henna.


Contact dermatits Henna Phenylenediamine Tattoo



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