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Vol. 12 - Num. 48

Clinical Reviews

Hematocolpos secondary to imperforate hymen; an uncommon cause of abdominal pain and acute urinary retention

Carmen María González Álvareza, Mercedes García Reymundob, R Real Terrónc, F Hawed Ahmeda

aMIR-Pediatría. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Mérida. Mérida. Badajoz. España.
bGrupo SEN34-36/ACUNA. Sociedad Española de Neonatología. Unidad de Neonatología. Hospital de Mérida. Hospital de Mérida. Badajoz. España.
cServicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Mérida. Badajoz. España.

Correspondence: CM González. E-mail: fantaguiroo@hotmail.com

Reference of this article: González Álvarez CM, García Reymundo M, Real Terrón R, Hawed Ahmed F. Hematocolpos secondary to imperforate hymen; an uncommon cause of abdominal pain and acute urinary retention. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:621-6.

Published in Internet: 12-11-2010 - Visits: 153243


Hematocolpos constitutes an unusual pathology in our environment, secondary to alterations in the genesis of female genitourinary tract, being the imperforate hymen the most common congenital malformation. The symptomatology is usually variable and nonspecific with abdominal pain as the most frequent clinical presentation. In this paper we present the description of two cases of teenagers affected by this disease. Both presented abdominal pain and urinary symptoms. Besides a detailed medical history along with the inspection of the genitalia as well as the visualization in the abdominal echography of a blood collection located in the vagina, were fundamental in order to make a diagnosis.

Throughout this article we intend to emphasize the relevance of the medical history and genital examination before symptoms as nonspecific as abdominal pain and urinary symptoms because of it can help us to guide the diagnosis in an easy way avoiding unnecessary tests, erroneous therapeutic measures and appearance of complications.


Abdominal pain Hematocolpos Hymen Imperforate hymen Urinary retention Urogenital abnormalities



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