Vol. 10 - Num. 14
M Alcamí Pertejoa, Mar Duelo Marcosb
aPsiquiatra. Hospital de Día de Leganés (Áreas 8, 9 y 10). Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Las Calesas. Madrid. España.
Reference of this article: Alcamí Pertejo M, Duelo Marcos M. Prevalent problems in childhood and adolescence’s mental health. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10 Supl 2:S167-81.
Published in Internet: 30-06-2008 - Visits: 8641
The workshop´s objective is to familiarise the Primary Care (PC) paediatrician with the child´s normal development and with mental health disorders which should call for attention in his/her first years. Child´s development status and relationship between symptoms and environment have to be taken into consideration for a correct understanding, assessment and treatment. We will not only observe the child, but also the relationship with his/her environment and specially with his/her main attachment figure. Child "nature" and "nurture" aspects, and the Attachment Theory principles are described.
Primary Care paediatrician´s functions in mental health problems are differentiated: detection, diagnosis and treatment, monitoring. Some mental disorders´ characteristics and the paediatrician specific tasks are presented. Early detection and treatment of child mental health disorders is an absolute must for a good evolution. Coordination between PC paediatricians and the Area´s Mental Health Services has to be boosted for a correct approach.
● Detection ● Mental health disorders ● TreatmentThis content is not available in html format but you may download it in Acrobat Reader (PDF).
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