
Article not rated

Vol. 19 - Num. 75

Consensus document

Fruit juices and their role in infant feeding. Should we consider them as another sweetened beverages? Positioning of the Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group of the AEPap

Juan Rodríguez Delgadoa, M.ª Socorro Hoyos Vázquezb, Grupo de Gastroenterología y Nutrición de la Asociación Española de Pediatría de Atención Primariac

aPediatra. CS de Alpedrete. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Zona VII-Feria. Albacete. España.
cLuis Carlos Blesa Baviera, M.ª Dolores Cantarero Vallejo, Ángel José Carbajo Ferreira, M.ª Teresa Cenarro Guerrero, Yolanda Cerezo del Olmo, Haydee Expósito de Mena, Laura García Arroyo, M.ª José García Mérida, M.ª Socorro Hoyos Vázquez. Rafael López García, Ana Martínez Rubio, Juan Rodríguez Delgado, Ignacio Ros Arnal, Esther Ruiz Chércoles, Catalina Santana Vega, Ana M.ª Vegas Álvarez.

Correspondence: J Rodríguez. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Rodríguez Delgado J, Hoyos Vázquez MS, Grupo de Gastroenterología y Nutrición de la Asociación Española de Pediatría de Atención Primaria. Fruit juices and their role in infant feeding. Should we consider them as another sweetened beverages? Positioning of the Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group of the AEPap. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2017;19:e103-e116.

Published in Internet: 27-07-2017 - Visits: 21608


In recent times, the excess of sugars in the diet is in the spotlight of the scientific community. Although there is greater evidence of the negative effect of sugary drinks on health, it is still a matter of controversy. remains a controversial issue. On the other hand, the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption in terms of prevention of several chronic diseases are widely known and accepted. Fruit juices may provide some of these benefits, but there are doubts about their suitability due to their high sugar content. What is its role in infant feeding? Should we consider them as another sugary drink?


Juices Primary Health Care Sugars



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