
Article not rated

Vol. 18 - Num. 72

Evidence based Pediatrics

Myths and realities of primary tooth eruption. Does it really produce so many symptoms?

M.ª Jesús Esparza Olcinaa, Gloria Orejón de Lunab

aPediatra. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS General Ricardos. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: MJ Esparza. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Esparza Olcina MJ, Orejón de Luna G. Myths and realities of primary tooth eruption. Does it really produce so many symptoms? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;18:375-7.

Published in Internet: 15-11-2016 - Visits: 9453


This paper presents the critical appraisal of a systematic review, probably the only one, on signs and symptoms attributable to primary tooth eruption. The bibliographic review was comprehensive, but some of the included studies had methodological limitations. The signs and simptoms most frequently found were gingival irritation, irritability and drooling. Others, in decreasing frequency were loss of appetite, restless sleeping, running nose, rising of temperature and diarrhoea. None of the referred signs and symptoms are specific to primary tooth eruption so attributing them to it could delay or hamper the diagnosis of conditions coinciding with tooth eruption.


Infant Primary tooth eruption Signs Symptoms



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