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Vol. 14 - Num. 54

Childhood and Adolescence PrevInfad/PAPPS Group

Preventive and health promotion activities for premature children less than 32 weeks of gestational age or less than 1500 g. From discharge from hospital to seven years of age (1st part)

Carmen Rosa Pallás Alonsoa, Grupo PrevInfad/PAPPS Infancia y Adolescenciab

aServicio de Neonatología. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
bJosé María Mengual Gil (coord.).

Correspondence: CR Pallás. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Pallás Alonso CR, Grupo PrevInfad/PAPPS Infancia y Adolescencia. Preventive and health promotion activities for premature children less than 32 weeks of gestational age or less than 1500 g. From discharge from hospital to seven years of age (1st part). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:153-66.

Published in Internet: 09-07-2012 - Visits: 24480


Prematurity is one of the most prevalent health problems affecting the infant population. The frequency of premature infants in the developed world is on the rise, and the increased survival rates that have been achieved mean that there are now more premature infants being seen in primary care pediatricians’ consults. In general, children with birth weights under 1500 g or a gestational age under 32 weeks are included in hospital follow-up programs, but the majority of the consultations required by these children are with primary care pediatricians. The primary care pediatrician should be aware of the follow-up program in which the child is enrolled and should ensure that all controls are being carried out. Nearly 20% of the infants under 1500 g abandon the follow-up programs; therefore, the only pediatrician who will evaluate these children is the primary care physician.

Growth and nutrition are two of the areas where greater attention should be paid, especially during the first months after hospital discharge. Today we know that children who grow better have a better neurological evolution. Mother’s milk affords multiple benefits to premature babies; therefore, it is very important that breastfeeding be supported in primary care. Information should also be known on the characteristics of mother’s milk substitute products available for premature infants.


Child Health Prematurity



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