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Vol. 13 - Num. 49

Original Papers

Support to breastfeeding in a basic health area; prevalence and related socioeconomic factors

M.ª José Palomares Gimenoa, Elena Fabregat Ferrera, S Folch Manuelb, B Escrig Garcíab, F Escoín Peñab, C Gil Segarrac

aPediatra. CS Gran Vía. Castellón. España.
bEnfermera. CS Gran Vía. Castellón de la Plana. España.
cMatrona. CS Gran Vía. Castellón de la Plana. España.

Correspondence: MJ Palomares. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Palomares Gimeno MJ, Fabregat Ferrer E, Folch Manuel S, Escrig García B, Escoín Peña F, Gil Segarra C. Support to breastfeeding in a basic health area; prevalence and related socioeconomic factors. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2011;13:47-62.

Published in Internet: 06-04-2011 - Visits: 21453


Introduction: the prenatal visit was launched in order to promote and support breastfeeding in our population. It takes place in the third trimester of pregnancy and is carried out by pediatricians. Our objective was to assess the duration of breastfeeding in our environment and the factors related to improving mother-child health.

Material and methods: prospective study through an interview carried out during the well child visits at 6 and 15 months for a period of two years. We had the cooperation of pediatric nurses, midwives and outer-group support “Mamare Castelló”.

Results: we found a 40% prevalence of full breastfeeding at 6 months and continued breastfeeding of 16% at 15 months. The factors with statistical significance against breastfeeding in the first month of life, that continue at 6th months of life are: mother who smoked, mother not breastfed herself, birth weight less than 2500 g, first breastfeeding after 4 hours of life and provide glucose solution in the Maternity. Immigrant mothers initiate breastfeeding more often but at the sixth month there are no differences with the Spanish mothers.

Conclusion: the interventions in primary care to promote breastfeeding achieve positive outcomes for the health of the population but require greater efforts and coordination to move in the direction proposed by BFHI for hospitals and health centres.


Breastfeeding Prevalence Primary care Socioeconomic factors



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