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Vol. 11 - Num. 42

Original Papers

Psychometric and clinical prevalence and comorbidity study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Castilla y Leon (Spain)

Luis Rodríguez Molineroa, José A. López Villalobosb, Mercedes Garrido Redondoc, Ana M.ª Sacristán Martínd, M.ª Teresa Martínez Riverae, F Ruiz Sanzf

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Recoletas Campo Grande. Valladolid. España.
bServicio de Psiquiatría. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia. Palencia. España.
cPediatra. CS La Tórtola. Valladolid. España.
dPediatra. CS Arturo Eyries. Valladolid. España.
ePediatra. CS Laguna de Duero. Valladolid. España.
fPsiquiatra. Servicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital San Telmo. Palencia. España.

Correspondence: L Rodríguez. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Rodríguez Molinero L, López Villalobos JA, Garrido Redondo M, Sacristán Martín AM, Martínez Rivera MT, Ruiz Sanz F. Psychometric and clinical prevalence and comorbidity study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Castilla y Leon (Spain). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:251-70.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2009 - Visits: 16417


Objective: to determine the prevalence rate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in school age children (6-16 years) in Castilla y León.

Subjects and methods: a multi-staged stratified proportional cluster (rural and urban) people sample population study was selected. Target population: 212,657. Sample: 1,095. A psychometric first step (ADHD rating Scales IV for parents and teachers) was used to collect data, and a second one, using DSM-IV criteria, for clinical confirmation. Child Symptom Inventory was used to study comorbidity, and DSM-IV for clinical confirmation.

Results: a prevalence of 6.66 % global rate was obtained (IC 95 %: 5.1-8.1%). We also obtained hyperactive subtype 1%; disattentional subtype 1.27 % and combined subtype 4.38%.

Prevalence rate in males (8.97%) is significantly higher than in females (4.18%), while for academic levels, schools or areas, differences are not significant. Prevalence rates in Primary School (6.8%) is similar to Secondary School (6.48%). Seventy one percent of the cases of ADHD have some type of comorbidity: anxiety disorders 46%, behavioural disorders 31%, mood disorders 9%, tics disorders 10%, and enuresis 12%. ADHD cases have significantly worse academic results and worse classroom behaviour.

Conclusions: prevalence rates of ADHD in Castilla y León are very close to the world average. The cases have high comorbidity and present impairment in academic performance and scholar behaviour.


Adolescent Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Childhood Comorbidity Prevalence



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