Vol. 14 - Num. 53
Original Papers
Verónica García Callejoa, L Domínguez Péreza
aEnfermería pediátrica. CS Reyes Católicos. San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: V García. E-mail: veritalia@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: García Callejo V, Domínguez Pérez L. Pediatric nursing versus family nursing; views of professionals and parents of children in San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:27-30.
Published in Internet: 13-04-2012 - Visits: 17048
Introduction: the situation of children health care in the Spanish regions is of variability and lack of a clear pattern regarding to the participation of nurses. This study was conducted to know the opinion of the professionals responsible for the child health program in a town near Madrid, as well as the opinion of the parents of the involved children.
Material and methods: a survey was distributed to 34 nurses and 11 pediatricians (all the professionals involved) as well as to 1004 fathers/mothers of the children included.
Results: from the parents, 99.6% prefer a nurse exclusively dedicated to children. All pediatricians felt in the same direction. As for nursing, only 7 (20.6%) prefer a mixed system of organization (“family nursing”).
Conclusions: a qualified majority of the professionals and the population prefer a specific pediatric nursing model.
● Assistance ● Nurse ● Organization ● PediatricsIn the past few years there has been disagreement among the collectives of pediatricians and nursing staff as to how child healthcare programs should be developed. At present, pediatricians advocate for the active participation of the nursing staff in the development of this program1, with the sole requisite that the participating professionals have a level of training fitting the tasks that they perform.
At present, nursing professionals are divided in various groups with regards to their opinion:
This state of conflict and non-unified criteria in the field of Nursing is even seen at the level of Spain’s various autonomous communities (AC), whose respective Departments of Health maintain different models of healthcare services. Thus, in Spain there coexist some ACs with a clearly defined Pediatric Nursing2 (PN) model, others with a mixed model that combines PN and Family and Community Nursing (FCM), others with a defined model of FCM, and yet others where a single nursing professional combines both models, being responsible for PN services and also for a group of adult patients (a model that is increasingly widespread, since the 1:1 nurse-to-physician ratio is disappearing, and the current crisis is widening this gap.)
Adding to this debate, ACs differed in the way they recently enforced the decree on Nursing Specialties (Royal Decree 450/2005, dated April 22 2005)3, as some of them recognized and certified the work of the Nursing professional devoted to Pediatrics; while others never certified this activity and instead recognized for the purposes of certification “excellent” FCN services that were actually never provided by Nursing professionals who had always worked in Pediatrics.
This state of affairs is causing us to lose something that matters in the nursing profession, which is the professional calling and career choices. It used to be that nursing professionals chose to work in the child and adolescent or the adult fields for their personal satisfaction and as it suited their training and inclinations. But now the specific titles and personal choices are fading away to meet healthcare service requirements, which are, needless to say, influenced by the economic situation.
And everyone believes to be in the right in this debate, when studies have yet to be made to support any views on the matter.
The purpose of this text is to learn in a direct manner the preferences for the PN or the FCN model of both the professionals involved in the child healthcare program (pediatricians and nursing staff) and the families served by it.
In the Spring of 2011 surveys were designed and sent to pediatricians, nurses and parents of children aged 0-14 years in San Sebastián de los Reyes (AC of Madrid). This town has a population of 80,638 people (including 14,222 children aged 0-14 years) and three healthcare centers (HCCs), namely Reyes Católicos HCC, Rosa Luxemburgo HCC and V Centenario HCC. The questionnaires were personally given to and retrieved from:
The authors state that they have no conflict of interests in relation to the writing and publication of the current study.
ACRONYMS: AC: autonomous community • HCC: healthcare center • FCN: family and community nursing • PN: pediatric nursing.