Vol. 10 - Num. 37
Original Papers
M.ª Antonia Aretio Romeroa, Ana Blanca García Tartasb
aTrabajadora Social y Socióloga. CS Cascajos. Logroño. España.
bPediatra. CS Rodríguez Paterna. Logroño. España.
Correspondence: MA Aretio. E-mail: maaretio@riojasalud.es
Reference of this article: Aretio Romero MA, García Tartas AB. Influence of the ethnic group on the use of services. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10:17-29.
Published in Internet: 31-03-2008 - Visits: 8303
Introduction: the socio-cultural factors (including immigration) influence the use of public health and make the medical services staff to implement new methods or ways of working.
Objective: to asses the relevance of the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the population in question as determining factors of the health services provided.
Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive research of all the children born in the year 2001 assigned to a paediatrician. Information was gathered through a questionnaire handed over by the paediatrician to the parents as well as checking the clinical records of the child. The research was made from a unique sample.
Results: the gipsy population reaches maternity earlier than the rest and its socio-economic situation is less favourable. They ask for medical services without appointment more frequently, making an inadequate use of the emergency units in a higher proportion, and they come for fewer controls of the Well Child Program, also displaying a higher degree of non-compliance about the advice given. Immigrants occupy an intermediate position between the gipsy and the non-gipsy population, progressively assuming the health guidelines and attendance of the Spanish health system.
Conclusions: the ethnic group and the socio-economic situation definitely condition the use of the paediatric services. The gipsy population makes use of the health services in a different manner. The immigrants aren´t the main cause of the overload of work suffered by professionals. It would seem advisable to re-orientate paediatric services to respond to the peculiarities of each one of the ethnic groups, incorporating group and community based perspectives.
● Gypsy ● Immigration ● Over utilization ● Poverty ● Social and economic determinantsThis content is not available in html format but you may download it in Acrobat Reader (PDF).
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