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Vol. 9 - Num. 10

3rd Annual Meeting of the

Deficit attention hyperactivity disorder and Primary Care: past and future

M Fernández Pérez, Lefa S. Eddy Ivesb, Luis Rodríguez Molineroc, X Txakartegi Etxebarria

bPediatra. Centre Mèdic Sant Ramon. Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Barcelona. España.
cServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Recoletas Campo Grande. Valladolid. España.

Reference of this article: Fernández Pérez M, Eddy Ives L S, Rodríguez Molinero L, Txakartegi Etxebarria X. Deficit attention hyperactivity disorder and Primary Care: past and future. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2007;9 Supl 2:S101-12.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2007 - Visits: 10277


The deficit attention hyperactivity disorder (DAHD) is getting more and more important with the coming years. The main reason is that besides school, family and social problems in childhood, many psychiatric and social disorders of adolescents and adults take place in people that have suffered or suffer this disorder since preschool years. DADH should be considered a public health problem involving sanitary instances in the same way as it involves educative instances. The right management of DADH implies an early diagnosis and a follow up by a multidisciplinary team, where the Primary Care paediatrician (PCP) could be the key stone at least in the non complicated cases, which would be more that half of all them. Besides of being the paediatrician intrinsically suitable for the DADH follow up, it should be taken into account the lack of enough specialists in paidoneurology and paidopsichiatry to assist all patients in their settings. The paediatrician, on the other hand, continues without being familiar to this condition and unwilling to any intervention. The objective of this seminar, in witch only PCP are involved, is to begin a proceeding of becoming familiar to the problem for those willing to, and to deepen and reassure their previous information for those who have overcome the first phase yet.


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Comorbidity Primary care

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