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Vol. 8 - Num. 31

Special Articles

Emergency postcoital contraception

Beatriz Acosta Navasa, M.ª Eulalia Muñoz Hiraldo

aPediatra. CS Doctor Castroviejo. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Acosta Navas B, Muñoz Hiraldo ME. Emergency postcoital contraception. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2005;8:523-30.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2006 - Visits: 9722


Emergency postcoital contraception may be defined as the administration of a drug or use of a device to prevent a possible pregnancy after a sexual unprotected and within 72 hours after intercourse. Mode of action could work by inhibiting ovulation, interfering with fertilization or inhibiting implantation in the endometrium. If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking pills, it will not work. There is evidence of effects at several stages of the reproductive cycle. The method that affected ovulation or fertilization would prevent most but no all pregnancies. The effects on the endometrium and impact on implantation requires the physicians be knowledgeable about all potential mechanism when offering treatment to patients and families. The effectiveness depends on the regimen used and on the time between intercourse and treatment. It has low rate of side effects. The American Academics of Pediatrics proposes this measurement, besides others, to disminish the pregnancies nowished in adolescent. However, some variables, would have to be evaluated with the use of theses preparations.


Emergency contraception

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