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Vol. 1 - Num. 3

Special Articles

How the decree of regulation of home enteral nutrition affects to Primary Care paediatricians

José Manuel Moreno Villaresa, MJ Galiano Segoviab

aGastroenterólogo pediátrico. Departamento de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España. Coordinador del Comité de Nutrición de la Asociación Española de Pediatría.
bCS Montessori. Leganés. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: JM Moreno. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Moreno Villares JM, Galiano Segovia MJ. How the decree of regulation of home enteral nutrition affects to Primary Care paediatricians. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 1999;1:457-465.

Published in Internet: 30-09-1999 - Visits: 8673


Dietetic products for inborn metabolic disorders and home enteral nutrition formulas are financed by the National Health System. Both have been recently regulated by the Department of Health Care in April 30, 1997 and June 2, 1998 respectively. The Home Enteral Nutrition regulation has solved an administrative void for a common clinical practice. Nevertheless not every pediatric patient needing special dietetic products or enteral formulas may apply for this financing. Only 30% of patients with inborn metabolic disorders, 76% on Home enteral nutrition and none of the 102 patients receiving protein or calorie supplements seen over the last three years in our outpatient clinic are elegible for financial coverage of this treatment. In order to adequate criteria for hospital referal and follow-up we consider that the legislation as well as the Clinical Guide elaborated by the Department of Heath Care should be distributed among general pediatricians.


Home care Home enteral nutrition Inborn metabolic disorder Legislation

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