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Vol. 1 - Num. 3

Brief Reports

Current role of Mantoux in children

P López-Hermosa Seseña

Reference of this article: López-Hermosa Seseña P. Current role of Mantoux in children. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 1999;1:439-451.

Published in Internet: 30-09-1999 - Visits: 8321


The TST is the only diagnostic method to detect tuberculous infection. The epidemiologic value of such test is of first magnitude , since it allows detecting high-prevalence tuberculous infection areas and potential new cases. In 1992, the Consenso Nacional para el Control de la Tuberculosis, in Spain recommends passive searching of cases in patients with bronchopulmonary findings who spontaneusly demand medical care. Some high-risk situations are known in which active cases search is advised, such as close contacts of tuberculosis diseased, HIV infection, and AIDS. On the other hand, some population subgroups are given in which the decision of active searching must rely on medical and epidemiologic criteria, as well as on the facilities available.


Infantile Screening Tuberculin test Tuberculosis

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