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Vol. 7 - Num. 27

Original Papers

Analysis of the seated position in a school population through a questionnaire and its possible influence on vertebral pains

D Ramos Espada, JL González Montesinos, J Mora Vicente, M Mora Fernández

Reference of this article: Ramos Espada D, González Montesinos JL, Mora Vicente J, Mora Fernández M. Analysis of the seated position in a school population through a questionnaire and its possible influence on vertebral pains. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2005;7:377-393.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2005 - Visits: 10007


Objectives: Through this study, it is intended to know which are the postural habits and ergonomic knowledge on the different ways that the adolescents adopt when sitting down. It also seeks to settle down relationships among the different adopted positions (of attention, of writing and of rest) and the appearance of back pain. Material and method: We developed and applied a questionnaire directed to a population of 700 adolescents (n = 700) and carried out in five Compulsory Secondary Education schools in Ponferrada, Toreno and Cacabelos (belonging to the province of León). Results: Data are obtained on the positions more often adopted by the students in three situations: position of attention (the teacher?s explanation), writing position (taking notes) and position of rest (time of leisure sitting down in their houses). Also it is proven the high number of hours that they spend in seated position along the day and if the different adopted positions have any influence in the suffering of vertebral pains. Conclusions: The number of hours which students spend in seated position causes the increment of muscular imbalances. This factor together to a not well adapted furniture and to the adoption of incorrect postures can increase the number of vertebral pains suffered along their lives.


Ergonomics Human Engineering Muscular imbalances Postural habits Prevention Seated position

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