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Vol. 6 - Num. 24

Clinical Reviews

The use of proton pump inhibitors in childhood and adolescence: presentation of one case

D Ruiz López, C Arana Argüelles-Cañedob, J Sánchez Salvador, C Fernández Martina, J Serrano Pereza, F Gallardo Alonso

bPediatra. CS Los Pedroches. Leganés. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Ruiz López D, Arana Argüelles-Cañedo C, Sánchez Salvador J, Fernández Martina C, Serrano Pereza J, Gallardo Alonso F. The use of proton pump inhibitors in childhood and adolescence: presentation of one case. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2004;6:579-582.

Published in Internet: 31-12-2004 - Visits: 10133


The Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) are a therapeutical group very frequently used in adults. However the inherent characteristics of children and adolescents limit the absorption, metabolization and distribution of these drugs. PPI have been used in the treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and related esophageal diseases, peptic ulcer and H. pylori therapy. There are not clinical trials with every PPI, Omeprazole and Lansoprazole are the best known. It should be adjusted the dosage range for these ages, sometimes higher than adults. There are second generation PPI drugs that should be studied in childhood. Its use is limited by difficult posology and administration in these patients.


Child Drug therapy Gastroesophageal reflux

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