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Vol. 6 - Num. 23

Special Articles

International cooperation in children health care (Second part). Strategies in developing countries

Maite de Aranzabal Agudoa

aPediatra. CS Lakuarriaga. Vitoria. Álava. España.

Correspondence: M de Aranzabal. E-mail:

Reference of this article: de Aranzabal Agudo M. International cooperation in children health care (Second part). Strategies in developing countries. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2004;6:475-491.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2004 - Visits: 8017


Each year ten million children die in the world. Many Agencies, Authorities and Organisations such as the European Union, the Spanish Agency for International Co-operation (AECI), the Governments of the autonomous communities and the majority of town councils and NGOs have no specific action policies to prevent child morbidity and mortality. Others, such as the WHO, UNICEF or children?s NGOs do have such a policy. The first part of this work assessed the health situation, the causes and the current figures for child mortality in the world. It then set out the ambitious objectives put forward by the world forums, directed at reducing the number of deaths among children under five by two thirds by the year 2015. This second part studies the different strategies (selective, integrated and social) designed to improve these terrible figures and sets out the requirements to be met by any strategy adopted. It gives the results of the actions implemented to date and their effectiveness. It emphasises the fact that children in the Third World do not have access to an Integrated Health System with good preventive and curative Primary Care. It concludes by stressing the need for donors to support the receiving nations in order to develop a public health program at a district level.


Health strategies Infant mortality Integrated management International Co-operation Specific management

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