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Vol. 6 - Num. 23

Organization, Administration and Management

Coordination of pediatric emergencies between Primary Care and Hospital in Madrid Autonomous Community

Ricardo Gómez Alonsoa, Ángel González Requejob, Ana Isabel Díaz Cirujanoc, MC Martinoli Rubino, T Hernández de las Heras

aPediatra. CS Santa Mónica. Rivas Vaciamadrid. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Santa Mónica. Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Madrid. España.
cPediatra. CS Rosa Luxemburgo. San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: R Gómez. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Gómez Alonso R, González Requejo A, Díaz Cirujano AI, Martinoli Rubino MC, Hernández de las Heras T. Coordination of pediatric emergencies between Primary Care and Hospital in Madrid Autonomous Community. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2004;6:367-377.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2004 - Visits: 9032


In this article we make an overview of the Emergency Medical Care in the National Health Services and more specifically in the Community of Madrid. First of all, we define terms as Urgency, Emergency and the different types of Emergencies according to the WHO criteria. Emergency incidence and the Emergency Medical Services involved in patient care are described. In a second part a detailed description of pediatric urgent demand in Primary Care Centres is made. Its causes and the diagnosis are reviewed, comparing them with Hospital Emergency data. Special attention is paid to inappropriate demand: its incidence, the factors involved, the reasons that children caregivers adduce for urgent demand and its negative impact on medical assistance quality. With all this, we scan the main problems of the Emergency medical assistance, we outline the lack of coordination between Hospital and Primary Care Centres and we make some proposals for improvement.


Emergency medical services Health Services Misuse

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