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Vol. 6 - Num. 21

Brief Reports

Vaccination and pregnancy

Carmen Casaní Martíneza

aPediatra. Doctora en Medicina. CS de Burjassot (Valencia). Unidad de Neonatología, Hospital Universitario La Fe. Valencia. España.

Correspondence: C Casaní. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Casaní Martínez C. Vaccination and pregnancy. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2004;6:51-62.

Published in Internet: 31-03-2004 - Visits: 8375


Newborns and small infants are vulnerable to a significant morbimortality caused by bacterial and viral pathogens. Theoretical basis of mother immunization: 1) During pregnancy, women are able to produce an adequate humoral immune response to vaccination. 2) IgG mother antibodies pass to the fetus through active transplacentary transport, which increases in the last four to six weeks of pregnancy. 3) Immunization should be completed at last six weeks before delivery. 4) Mother IgG has a half-life of three to four weeks in the newborn, increasing during the first six months of life. Conclusions: 1) Vaccination during pregnancy reduces susceptibility to the infection in the pregnant woman and protects the newborn and infant through transplacentary immunization of the fetus. 2) It should be provided a correct immune situation previous to pregnancy through children vaccination. Fertile age women should be vaccinated with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and MMR if there is no clear history of illness or vaccination. 3) Investigate immune situation of the pregnant woman and update it if necessary. Administer influenza, tetanus and diphtheria vaccine in the second or third trimester. 4) All sanitary staff can help in pregnant women vaccination, especially obstetricians and matrons. Moreover any contact of the pregnant woman with the Sanitary System should be profited for her vaccination, avoiding lost opportunities.


Infant Newborn Pregnancy Vaccination

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