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Vol. 5 - Num. 18

Special Articles

Care taking of the foreign child

Gloria Orejón de Lunaa, M.ª Mercedes Fernández Rodríguezb, Grupo de Trabajo Protocolo de Atención al Niño de Origen Extranjero

aPediatra. CS General Ricardos. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Potes. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: G Orejón. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Orejón de Luna G, Fernández Rodríguez MM, Grupo de Trabajo Protocolo de Atención al Niño de Origen Extranjero. Care taking of the foreign child. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:299-326.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2003 - Visits: 11488


Over the last years Spain has became a net receiver of migration. A straightforward consequence of this is the sanitary assistance to foreign people which has dramatically increased. This foreign people usually have cultural, social and religious backgrounds that differ very much from the ones in the receiver country. Their believes about how the sanitary assistance should be are also very different. Hence, it is relevant to know all those differences in order to put in practice an accurate primary assistance. The aim of this Protocol for Primary Assistance to Foreign Children is precisely to take into account this knowledge about the differences and to unify the sanitary criteria for foreign people. This paper examines the main diseases that affect immigrant children and the sociocultural factors that determinate the sanitary assistance for this collective. It is also proposed a guide for the clinical evaluation of immigrant child.


Childhood Immigrant children Immigration Primary care

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