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Vol. 3 - Num. 11

Original Papers

Opinions and basic knowledge on breastfeeding among sanitary staff

M.ª José Palomares Gimenoa, Carlos Labordena Barcelób, Felicidad Sanantonio Valdearcosc, G Agramunt Soler, Amalia Nácher Fernándeze, G Palau Fuster

aPediatra. CS Gran Vía. Castellón. España.
bPediatra. CS Fernando el Católico. Castellón. España.
cPediatra. CS Vilamarxant. Valencia. España.

ePediatra. CS de Benicásim. Castellón. España.

Correspondence: MJ Palomares. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Palomares Gimeno MJ, Labordena Barceló C, Sanantonio Valdearcos F, Agramunt Soler G, Nácher Fernández A, Palau Fuster G. Opinions and basic knowledge on breastfeeding among sanitary staff. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2001;3:393-402.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2001 - Visits: 12627


Aims: To determine the basic knowledge and opinions about breast feeding that exists in the staff in some primary care centres. Design: Descriptive transversal study based on a survey submitted to the Health Service staff of Health District 2 (Comunidad Valenciana, Spain). Main Results: The study found that 95% of the personnel interviewed agree with the fact that breast feeding is the best food for the babies. However still 20% of the interviewed think that mother milk can be of bad quality, 36% of the professionals interviewed think that mothers should educate the new-born child into a feeding timetable instead of feeding by request and 29% think that teats and pacifiers calm and relax the baby, favouring then breast feeding. Conclusions: From this study we have concluded that it would be necessary to have a basic protocol relative to breast feeding and it has to be divulged to all the people involved in the health system in order to correct wrong knowledge broadly extended.


Breastfeeding Health staff Knowledge Survey

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