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Vol. 3 - Num. 11

Original Papers

Asthma. Correspondence between two classifications according to its seriouses

R Delgado Martínez, G García Conde, CA Díaz Vázquez, G Sánchez Iglesias, R Valdés Landaburo, J Rodríguez Muñiz, N González Rodríguez

Reference of this article: Delgado Martínez R, García Conde G, Díaz Vázquez CA, Sánchez Iglesias G, Valdés Landaburo R, Rodríguez Muñiz J, et al. Asthma. Correspondence between two classifications according to its seriouses. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2001;3:381-391.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2001 - Visits: 8924


This research work was carried out in the teaching outpatient clinic of ?Capitan Roberto Fleites?, in Santa Clara, Cuba, from January 1999 to December 1999. 41 cases of Asthma, ages 5 to 14 years were studied. All were classified according to Kraeppelin's criteria. After that, those patients were classified not only by their clinical pattern but by their MEF. Both classifications were compared in order to establish the degree of concordance between them. 36.6% of the patients presented reduction of MEF. The degree of concordance was 70.8%. The clinic and functional classification in Asthma was better to evaluate the severity of this disease. We must extend the use of MEF measurement devices in our outpatient clinics.


Asthma Classification Peak flow

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