Vol. 26 - Num. 102
Clinical Reviews
Paula Guzmán Tenaa, Armando Carlos Maruenda Jiméneza, Victoria Cañadas Olmoa
aPediatra. Hospital Comarcal de Vinaròs. Castellón. España.
Correspondence: P Guzmán. E-mail: paulaguzmanten@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Guzmán Tena P, Maruenda Jiménez AC, Cañadas Olmo V. Mucositis and rash, what's new? Reactive infectious mucocutaneous eruption . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2024;26:181-4. https://doi.org/10.60147/a8578be2
Published in Internet: 12-06-2024 - Visits: 5816
Reactive infectious mucocutaneous eruption (RIME) is a recently emerged term that describes cases of post-infectious mucositis associated with different etiological agents (viral and bacterial). It is part of the spectrum of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SSJ) / toxic epidermal necrolysis (NET), although it presents with milder symptoms, with predominantly mucosal involvement. Treatment consists of supportive measures, and may include targeted antibiotic therapy and systemic corticosteroid therapy in cases with extensive involvement.
● Conjunctivitis ● Exanthema ● Mucositis ● StomatitisComments
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