Vol. 25 - Num. 99
Clinical Reviews
Carolina Santiago Castilloa, M.ª Cristina García de Riberab
aMIR-Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. CS Tórtola. Valladolid. España.
bPediatra. CS Tórtola. Valladolid. España.
Correspondence: C Santiago. E-mail: carolinasantiago83@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Santiago Castillo C, García de Ribera MC. Postinfectious acute glomerulonephritis associated to influenza B virus and enterovirus . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:e95-e99. https://doi.org/10.60147/04288682
Published in Internet: 02-10-2023 - Visits: 7417
Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis (APIGN) is an inflammatory lesion with main involvement of the glomerulus triggered by an extrarenal infection. Its pathogenesis is immune, triggered by a wide variety of germs: bacteria, viruses and fungi. The most common cause is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSAGN). The case that we present was associated to influenza B and enterovirus, etiological agents of infrequent presentation, with clinical manifestations similar to post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. We conclude that, when faced with a nephritic syndrome clinic, the viral history should be taken into account to make an early diagnosis.
● Acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis ● Enterovirus ● Influenza B virus ● Nephritic syndromeComments
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