Vol. 24 - Num. 93
Clinical Reviews
M.ª del Mar López Matiaccia, Miguel Ángel Zafra Antaa, M.ª Teresa Penela Vélez de Guevaraa, Ana Isabel Mohedas Tamayoa
aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Fuenlabrada. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: MM López. E-mail: marlomatiacci@gmail.com
Reference of this article: López Matiacci MM, Zafra Anta MA, Penela Vélez de Guevara MT, Mohedas Tamayo AI. Adolescent with fever and chest pain. The usual approach; but what is already known sometimes surprises. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:71-4.
Published in Internet: 28-03-2022 - Visits: 9083
Chest pain in Paediatrics is a common symptom culminating in hospital admissions and specialist referrals. Cardiac etiology is found to be the culprit in minority of the cases. Acute chest pain is a clinical syndrome that may be caused by almost any condition affecting the thorax, abdomen, or internal organs. On occasions this extensive and expensive diagnostic work up can be avoided with awareness of commoner and non-severe reasons. We report a case of a child with Bornholm disease secondary to enterovirus infection.
● Bornholm disease ● Chest pain ● Enterovirus ● Pleurodynia epidemic
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