Vol. 23 - Num. 92
Clinical Reviews in Digestive Diseases
Marta García Vegaa, Sandra Pérez Salasa, Iván Carabaño Aguadoa, Elisa Aguirre Pascualb, Indalecio Cano Novilloc, María López Díazc
aSección de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
bSección de Radiología Infantil. Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
cServicio de Cirugía Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M García. E-mail: mgarciavega6@gmail.com
Reference of this article: García Vega M, Pérez Salas S, Carabaño Aguado I, Aguirre Pascual E, Cano Novillo I, López Díaz M. Choledocal cyst: never let your guard down. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:425-8.
Published in Internet: 16-12-2021 - Visits: 16130
Bile duct cyst is a congenital dilation of the bile duct. Clinical presentation is non-specific and often poses a diagnostic dilemma. It should be highly suspected in cases of jaundice, abdominal pain and a palpable abdominal mass. An imaging study is essential for diagnosis, an ultrasound being the most suitable initially. It can present multiple complications, including cholangitis, pancreatitis, cholangiocarcinoma, biliary and hepatic cirrhosis. For its management, resection of the cyst is recommended to avoid complications and reduce the risk of malignancy.
Long-term follow-up with annual ultrasound scans and tests is recommended, as the risk of malignancy remains high even after excision of the cyst. The optimal approach to this pathology requires a multidisciplinary perspective, starting from the diagnostic suspicion that will often come from Primary Care services, and including also gastroenterologists, surgeons, pathologists and radiologists.
● Bile duct ● Choledocus ● Cholestasis ● Cysts ● Jaundice
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