Vol. 23 - Num. 90
Clinical Reviews
Silvia Burgaya Subiranaa, Esperança Macià Rieradevalla, Mireya Cabral Salvadoresa, Anna M.ª Ramos Calvob
aPediatra. ABS Manlleu. Manlleu. Barcelona. España.
bMédico de familia. ABS Manlleu. Manlleu. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: S Burgaya. E-mail: sburgaya.cc.ics@gencat.cat
Reference of this article: Burgaya Subirana S, Macià Rieradevall E, Cabral Salvadores M, Ramos Calvo AM. Stroke: a diagnostic challenge. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:179-82.
Published in Internet: 18-06-2021 - Visits: 8896
Stroke is defined as a focal neurological deficit that lasts more than 24 hours and has a vascular base. Its incidence in the childhood is low, but it can cause an important morbidity and mortality. The low incidence, the multiple clinical manifestations with which it can be presented and the low awareness of it are the causes that induce a delay in diagnosis.
● Childhood stroke ● Hemiparesia ● Stroke
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