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Vol. 22 - Num. 88

Special Articles

Is it possible to offer a clinical decision algorithm in COVID-19 disease in Primary Care?

Eduardo Ortega Páeza, José Emilio Callejas Pozob, M.ª Vega Almazán Fernández de Bobadillaa, Ana Garach Gómezc, Juan Luis Santos Pérezd, Belén Jordano Morenoe, Belén Sevilla Péreze, Silvia Martínez Dizf

aPediatra. CS Maracena. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
bPediatra. CS La Zubia. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
cPediatra. CS Zaidin Sur. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
dSección de Urgencias de Pediatría. Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves. Granada. España.
ePediatra. Servicio de Urgencias. Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio. Granada. España.
fMedicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio. Granada . España.

Nota: los autores pertenecen al grupo COVID Granada.

Correspondence: E Ortega. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Ortega Páez E, Callejas Pozo JE, Almazán Fernández de Bobadilla MV, Garach Gómez A, Santos Pérez JL, Jordano Moreno B, et al. Is it possible to offer a clinical decision algorithm in COVID-19 disease in Primary Care? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2020;22:423-33.

Published in Internet: 17-12-2020 - Visits: 13675


So far, the data collected in the cases of clinical processes caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus in children suggest that they are mild compared to infections in adult patients; However, serious cases such as multisystemic inflammatory syndrome (SIM) have been reported, which requires assessment and emergency action.

In the context of the of the Primary Care pediatrician consultation and coinciding with the beginning of the school year, at a time when the incidence of influenza, RSV infection and other respiratory conditions usually increases, consultations for symptoms that can lead to suspect these infections. Therefore, it is important to reach a diagnosis that allows the most appropriate management of the patient and decreasing the community transmission by taking pertinent measures.

Given that there are no valid scales that offer a score to assess which is the most appropriate action in the event of a suspected COVID-19 infection, we propose the benefits of a clinical decision algorithm that takes into account epidemiological connotations, based on clinical severity to offer the most appropriate clinical care to patients.


Algorithm Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Signs and symptoms Triage



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