Carmen Salvador Colomaa, Víctor Salvador Colomab, Ángel Segura Huertaa, Mara Andrés Morenoc, JM Fernández Navarroc, OM Niño Gómeza, Encarnación Reche Santosd
aServicio de Oncología Médica. Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe. Valencia. España.
bEscuela de Enfermería. Universidad Católica de Valencia. Valencia. España.
cServicio de Oncología Pediátrica. Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe. Valencia. España.
dServicio de Oncología Médica. Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe. Valencia. España.
Reference of this article: Salvador Coloma C, Salvador Coloma V, Segura Huerta A, Andrés Moreno M, Fernández Navarro JM, Niño Gómez OM, et al. The current situation of palliative care. Review of a non-standardized situation. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2015;17:e215-e222.
Published in Internet: 10-09-2015 - Visits: 20180
In the last 50 years medicine has evolved more than in the previous two centuries but there are currently many pathologies that modern medicine has not been able to cure. Until a mere few decades ago, children diagnosed with cancer died within a short time. However, this has gradually changed and, nowadays, over half of them become long-term survivors.
Palliative care as a medical specialization has markedly developed in recent years. Nevertheless, there is a specific part that is still far from being established, pediatric palliative care (PPC). Children have different needs to be attended. PPC should be reviewed with a special focus on the precise differences present in children and their specific problems.
● Adolescent ● Child ● Palliative care ● Pediatrics ● Quality of life
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