Vol. 16 - Num. 61
Organization, Administration and Management
Carlos Buiza Aguadoa, T Uría Riverab, A Serrano Coello de Portugalc, Z Ahijado Guzmánd, A Delfa Álvarezc, P Frigolet Mayoe, E Ortega Rojof, A Rubio Planad
aPsicólogo Clínico. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
bPsiquiatra. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
cPsicólogo. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
dPsicopedagoga. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
eDUE. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
fTerapeuta ocupacional. Unidad de Infantil, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico Pradera de San Isidro. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: C Buiza. E-mail: carlosbuizaaguado@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Buiza Aguado C, Uría Rivera T, Serrano Coello de Portugal A, Ahijado Guzmán Z, Delfa Álvarez A, Frigolet Mayo P, et al. The Mental Health Day Care Hospital-Educational Therapeutic Centre Pradera de San Isidro. An institution for the acute treatment of severe mental disorders in children and adolescents. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2014;16:22.e19-e32.
Published in Internet: 14-04-2014 - Visits: 37492
Child and adolescence mental health conditions are common in Primary Care (PC). In most cases, Mental Health Services (MHS) will achieve a good response in an outpatient basis. However, certain symptoms may indicate seriously damaged psychic structures, as found in Severe Mental Disorders (SMD), whose ambulatory care in PC and MHS may not be sufficient.
Pradera de San Isidro Mental Health Day Care Hospital-Educational Therapeutic Centre (DCH-ETC) is part of Madrid Regional Mental Health Care Services, attending children and adolescents with SMD in a outpatient intensive program.
DCH-ETC comprises a Children Unit attending patients of 6 to 11 years and an Adolescents Unit for patients from 12 to 17 years. A team of teachers is responsible for the continuing academic education of patients.
With a Therapeutic Community model, the program aims to provide corrective emotional experiences leading to a deep and significant improvement in SMD.
● Adolescents ● Children ● Day Care Hospital ● Mental health ● Severe Mental Disorder
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