Vol. 15 - Num. 60
Clinical Reviews
Paola Gómez Rodrígueza, C López Calerob
aMIR-MFyC. CS Mairena del Aljarafe. Mairena del Aljarafe. Sevilla. España.
bPediatra. CS Mairena del Aljarafe. Mairena del Aljarafe. Sevilla. España.
Correspondence: P Gómez. E-mail: paola19_677@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Gómez Rodríguez P, López Calero C. Newborn with blisters. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2013;15:333-6.
Published in Internet: 13-12-2013 - Visits: 18613
The case o a newborn with blisters at 48 hours of life is reported. When healing, dotted whitish scar similar to milium cysts appear, so raising the possibility of a congenital bullous disease.
Finally, the Dermatology Department confirms the diagnosis of Epidermolysis bullosa of Weber-Cockayne.
● Blisters ● Bullous Epidermolysis ● Congenital ● Milium cysts ● Newborn ● Small trauma
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