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Vol. 15 - Num. 59

Clinical Reviews

Contact urticaria by Aloe vera

Ana Isabel Martín Fernándeza, Enrique Montano Navarrob, E Armela Sánchez-Crespoc, L Vara de Andrésa, Ana Caballero Cazalillac

aMIR-MFyC. CS Pinto. Pinto. Madrid. España.
bMédico de familia. CS de Pinto. Pinto. Madrid. España.
cMIR-MFyC. CS Isabel II. Parla. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: AI Martín. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Martín Fernández AI, Montano Navarro E, Armela Sánchez-Crespo E, Vara de Andrés L, Caballero Cazalilla A. Contact urticaria by Aloe vera. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2013;15:239-44.

Published in Internet: 05-09-2013 - Visits: 26435


Aloe vera is a widely used product in the food sector and the cosmetics industry. Although it is considered to be a medicinal plant because of its many properties, it is not an innocuous product as it has certain irritating components which can cause side effects. Allergic contact dermatitis is included among them.

We present the case of a six-year-old child who shows urticaria after applying the juice of the Aloe plant directly onto the skin. The patient responded successfully to conventional urticaria treatment.

After this literature review we can conclude that the use of Aloe vera cannot be recommended for the treatment of any specific pathology since there is not enough evidence to prove the effectiveness in clinical practice.


Aloe vera Contact dermatits Medicinal herbs Urticaria



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