Vol. 14 - Num. 55
Clinical Reviews
A Cabrejas Lalmoldaa, M García Vidalb, R Conchello Monleóna, José Galbe Sánchez-Venturac
aMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
bMIR-Microbiología. Hospital Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
cPediatra. CS Torrero La Paz. Zaragoza. España.
Reference of this article: Cabrejas Lalmolda A, García Vidal M, Conchello Monleón R, Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J. Schistosomiasis as a cause of gross hematuria. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:239-42.
Published in Internet: 04-10-2012 - Visits: 25744
Bilarzhia is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in the world, that we should consider in diferencial diagnosis of different entities, such as hematuria, most of it ocurrs in inmigrant population that proceeds of endemic areas.
We present a clinical case of a child eleven years old original from Gambia, with macroscopic hematuria due to vesical esquistosomiasis. The urinary microbiology study showed Schistosoma haematobium eggs.
● Haematuria ● Schistosomiasis
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