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Vol. 13 - Num. 20


C-5. Doctor, my son has acute apendicitis: “I’ve read it in the Internet…”

M Espinosa Arévaloa, Belén Fernández Álvarezb

aPediatra. CS Sárdoma. Vigo. España.
bMIR-MFyC, CS Sárdoma. Vigo. España.

Reference of this article: Espinosa Arévalo M, Fernández Álvarez MB. C-5. Doctor, my son has acute apendicitis: “I’ve read it in the Internet…”. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. Supl. 2011;(20):e19.

Published in Internet: 18-11-2011 - Visits: 8280



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