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Vol. 12 - Num. 19

Professional forum

The model of Primary Care Pediatrics

Juan Ruiz-Canela Cáceresa

aPediatra. CS Virgen de África. Sevilla. España.

Reference of this article: Ruiz-Canela Cáceres J. The model of Primary Care Pediatrics. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12(Supl 19):s139-s148.

Published in Internet: 20-11-2010 - Visits: 19126


In this paper we comment the consequences that a change in the model would have on the paediatricians and we suggest some adjustments, which we consider necessary in the future to make this model more sustainable. It is part of a demographic analysis from the perspective of the Pediatrics, because we consider that the scarcity of pediatricians in a transient phenomenon, although subdued to administration decision. Some organizational measures are suggested, like centralizing children care in some areas in order to avoid dispersion and to develop a care model based on the paediatrician and the nurse.

On the current Primary Care (PC) model we comment that it has been loaded in its development due to a lack of financing and it hasn’t reached all its potentialities. Nevertheless, this model seems too civil-servant-like and some experts consider necessary to incentive the professionals’ autonomy. In the near future, PC paediatricians play a key role, with their more integrated view of child health and their better relation to the families in caring of problems more and more complex.

Finally, we consider that the coordination among all levels, included sociosanitary care is essential in children’s health and it must be developed; the need of a coordinator among levels is mentioned.


Child Health Services Pediatrics Quality of health care



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