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Vol. 12 - Num. 45

Evidence based Pediatrics

Preventive therapy in migraine disorders: when and how

NR García Laraa, ME Frías Garcíaa

aPediatra. CS General Ricardos. Servicio Madrileño de Salud, Área 11. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: García Lara NR, Frías García ME. Preventive therapy in migraine disorders: when and how. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:123-38.

Published in Internet: 31-03-2010 - Visits: 13507


Authors’ conclusion: despite the fact that several drugs to prevent migraines have been studied in children, most trials have small size and poor design. Flunarizine and propranolol are the best studied drugs although the clinical evidence is not consistent enough. In relation to topiramate, its effectiveness has to be confirmed in more adequately designed studies.

Reviewers’ commentary: topiramate and flunarizine show acceptable evidence reducing frequency and intensity of migraines in children. Propranolol has controversial evidence, so it is advisable to keep it for second choice. All three drugs are safe. There is an urgent need to perform well designed and large trials to establish solid evidence with topiramate, flunarizine and propranolol.


Adolescent Child Migraine disorders Prevention and control



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