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Vol. 2 - Num. 6

Original Papers

Factors related to starting breast-feeding in our setting: differences among four basic health zones

M Yaque, E Castillo, Manuel Praena Crespob, C Sancho, A Fernández, C Herrera, E Estévanez, J Estrada, C Chaves, Juan Ruiz-Canela Cáceresc

bPediatra. CS La Candelaria. Sevilla. España.
cPediatra. CS Virgen de África. Sevilla. España.

Reference of this article: Yaque M, Castillo E, Praena Crespo M, Sancho C, Fernández A, Herrera C, et al. Factors related to starting breast-feeding in our setting: differences among four basic health zones. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2000;2:231-239.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2000 - Visits: 10724


Objectives: To study the factors related to initial breastfeeding of 280 children from the health centres (Z.B.S.) the ?Candelaria?, 317 ?Cerro del Águila?, 241 ?Poligono Sur? and 356 ?Torreblanca?, all born in Seville between 1st january 1994 and 30th june 1995 and who attended the Healthy Child Programme approximately within the first month. Method: A parallel test is carried out between the variable ?initial breastfeeding? and other social family facts, prenatal care, birth and new-born characteristics. Results between four health centres are compared. Results: It is stated: 1. Different population characteristics in each one of the health centres. 2. Different influences in the study factors in each one of the health centres (social family risk, pregnancy and clinical check-ups). 3. Favourable contacts between the four health centres from the beginning of natural breastfeeding to maternal education programme attendance, short hospital stay and adequate birth weight of the newly born. Conclusions: Attention should be focused on the efforts in these three latter aspects of primary care.


Initial breastfeeding

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