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Vol. 10 - Num. 14


Examination in cardiology

Luis Fernández Pinedaa, M López Zeaa

aServicio de Cardiología Pediátrica. Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Fernández Pineda L, López Zea M. Examination in cardiology. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10 Supl 2:e1-12.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2008 - Visits: 7134


The cardiac murmur is the mean cause of consulting in Paediatric Cardiology. The majority of the cases is referred from the Primary Care paediatrician, and is here where the doubts about the nature of the murmur (functional or pathologic) are first posed. The aim of the present work is to remember the main aspects to distinguish them, with special emphasis in the description of the different kind of murmurs, without forgetting to make a detailed physical exam and a complete clinical history. Also, some of the mean reasons to refer the case to the paediatric cardiologist are exposed. In the workshop, some characteristic cases will be presented with discussion of their diagnosis.


Cardiac murmurs Congenital heart disease

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